feast or famine.

No. I'm not talking about the olden days in the bible, but my dating life! Say hello to one of my favorite principles:  Feast or Famine. How is it that you can go from having no plans, no dates in months and then BOOM. you have so many plans that you have to say no to some! It's crazy how it works at times. But this week has been my time of Feasting! Casual dates are a fun way to get to know each other. Listen to these fun date ideas!

- Painting with Bob Dross- my date Tyler looked up youtube videos and got paints/brushes in order to paint a wonderful landscape! We learned how to paint "happy trees" and what Bob says is the favorite type of mountains..."snowy mountains".  So fun. We finished and then played a game of chess. Surprisingly a way fun board game- I've never known how to play so the strategy was fun to learn!

- Racing Ducks down the stream on the BYU campus. Travis had a few rubber ducks that we raced down the stream on campus. So fun because we just got to casually stroll and get to know each other. Afterwards, we went to Earth Fruits, a delectable frozen yogurt company. Because Travis was one of the first 100 people in line when the shop opened, he got 52 frozen yogurt coupons...free frozen yogurt for a whole year! So we enjoyed a delicious cup!

- This saturday i'll get to go with Jonathan to Comedy Sports- I'm looking forward to this good, clean fun comedy show!

- Date with Tyler- frozen yogurt at the gas station with his 40 dollar gift card won randomly in one of his classes and then talking for like 3 hours afterwards!

I don't know if it is because of all the talks during conference about the importance of guys dating or what, but I have enjoyed getting to meet new people and go on some dates!


  1. Hey! It's my principle too ;) Remember how we came up with it together?

    Also, the conference talks were about MARRIAGE. Hehe. Not just dating. I see what's going on here...

  2. Combined with the fact that you are thinking about a mission. When you aren't worried about dating, that is when it happens. I was the one that had my head set on a mission and I got married instead- not meaning that you will, just that it rains when you finally get focused on something else.
