Junior Prom was held last Saturday, and I had a wonderful time. Here's a little low down on the details. First, when Luke Pettet came to pick me up, I was excited that I finally mastered the art of pinning on a boutonniere! I haven't ever been able to do it very well by myself, but finally, just in time for my last formal dance I pinned it on very well, and it stayed on the whole night! Yes! For dinner we drove down to Salt Lake and we went to The Garden (which is at the top of the Joseph Smith
Memorial Building). It was very good except that I got a roll kind of stuck in my throat, and I felt sick for awhile. Needless to say about 15 minutes I felt better. What is it with the King family and getting food stuck in your throat? Oh well!After Dinner Luke and I, plus one other couple went to the gate at West temple for a surprise. What did we see awaiting us? A horse drawn carriage! It was so fun to take about a 45 minute ride through all of the old neighborhoods up to a place called Memorial Park. What a movie-like experience to be all dressed up, in a carriage, right? Very fun! Following our carriage ride we went to the capital for the dance. It was fun to see my friends with their dates all dressed up. After the dance we stopped for dessert and drove home. What a fun and magical evening.
P.S. Did you see how well we matched? I thought that that was a pretty good job on our part how well we coordinated... I loved being all dressed up and matching!
P.S.S. Forgot to mention, that we had a super fun activity a few days before. We went to play racquet-ball and then went to someone's house for Creme Broule. All in all, Prom was splendid!